Development Portfolio

Below are some highlights from my open source projects. While these are all personal projects, I have worked on many proprietary or private enterprise level applications, and for obvious reasons I cannot share any of that code here.

You can see all of my repositories on my github page, including the source for this website!

Tech Stack: TypeScript 5, Angular 16, RXJS, SCSS, Bootstrap, Jasmine

LyricConverter is a project I've built and improved, on and off, for years. It was made to extract song data and lyrics from many popular lyric display software packages and convert them to other formats. Many of these software packages do not have great import/export tools so I wanted to build something to help people keep their song libraries as they migrated to new software.

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LyricConverter Screen Recording

Tech Stack: TypeScript 5, SCSS, Angular 16, Angular Universal

This website you are looking at right now is my portfolio, and it is also a piece of my development portfolio! It's built using Angular 16 and makes use of Angular Universal to prerender all the pages to make the app load quicker and make it more SEO friendly.

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Portfolio Website - Desktop Screen Size

Tech Stack: JavaScript, SVG, Bootstrap 5

A JavaScript based tool I made that allows you to create any noise-based SVG texture. It shows you a live preview of what you are making and will generate the code for you to apply it as a background image on your website.

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Noise Maker - Orange Waves

Tech Stack: TypeScript 5, Jest

While developing the LyricConverter project mentioned here I had to separate the concerns of my code. The parsing or building of any individual file format needed be made into its own project to be used stand-alone. I wanted to move as much code out of LyricConverter as I could, while also making useful NPM packages for other developers to use.

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Tech Stack: Eleventy, SCSS, Bootstrap 5

Debbie Barr (who happens to be my mom!) is an accomplished author with 10 published books. She needed a website to showcase her work, read the backstories behind each book, find places to purchase them, and provide a way to get in touch with her.

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Tech Stack: Eleventy, SCSS, Bootstrap 5

Landmark Analytics is a technology company that I worked for building web-based business applications. Landmark also specializes in data analytics, Oracle database management & planning, and converting complex Excel spreadsheets into real business applications.

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Landmark Analytics - Home Page | Desktop